Strategic Planning Services & Packages
Organizational Assessment (1:1 interviews, document reviews, organizational survey, demographic analysis)
Training - Board Role & Responsibilities, Board Governance, Board Fundraising, Community Reinvestment Act, Strategic Planning
SWOT, Goal-Setting, and Priorities Sessions
Mission, Vision, Values Re-design/Update
Strategic Planning Facilitation (includes training, and sessions)
Committee Meetings to set SMART goals
Partner and Funder Meetings
Focus Groups with community/Community Meeting
Each of the following packages is customizable. We provide all of the following services individually. In addition, we can mix-n-match services to provide your organization with the best services possible to help you accomplish your mission and vision.
The Essentials Plan
— Organizational Assessment (staff, financials, and programmatic)
1:1 interviews with staff, funders, partners, select board members, etc.
electronic survey
document review
demographic analysis
— Organizational Report with Findings & Recommendations
— Strategic Planning Retreat Facilitation
1:1 interview with board prior to retreat
Board Role Training
Governance Training
Fundraising Training
SWOT Analysis Exercise
Mission, Vison, Value Statements
Priorities Setting Exercise
Goal Setting Exercise
— Basic Strategic Plan with Goals and Outcome Measures
The Standard Plan
All items in The Essentials Plan plus…
— Organizational Assessment
Partners/Funders Meeting Facilitation (1/2 day)
— Training (1/2 day) on topic of client choice
Community Reinvestment Act/Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
Fair Housing
In-depth Fundraising
In-depth Board Governance/Development
Feedback/Conflict Management
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Stress Management
Plus More (speak to us about your specific needs)
— Strategic Planning Retreat Facilitation
Set Priorities with key staff and assign responsibilities (facilitation/phone calls)
— Strategic Plan with Goals, Priorities and Outcome Measures
The Premium Plan
All items in The Essentials & Standard Plan plus…
— Organizational Assessment
2-3 Focus Groups or a Community Meeting (up to 2 hours)
— Committee Meetings - Set Goals & Priorities for each committee individually
— Strategic Plan with Organizational & Committee Goals, Priorities and Outcome Measures
— Present the Strategic Plan to board, staff, etc.